Medical Aesthetic Center

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7 Reasons Why Your Skin Is Oily 

What Causes Oily Skin?

Oily skin is a natural condition of your skin, though still may be a problem for many women and men. Before fighting the problem, it's crucial to understand the reasons why the problem appeared. So these are the factors that cause oily skin:

1. Genetics: Oily skin might be a genetic condition. 

2. Environmental Factors: The environment has a lot to do with oily skin, as it does with all other skin problems. Pollutants and harmful chemicals can cause it.

3. Overexposure to Sunlight: The sun's ultraviolet rays can cause oil production in the body. If you are exposed to too much sunlight and not enough vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, it will lead to abnormal oil production.

4. Non-exposure to Sunlight: Lack of enough exposure to sunshine will also cause abnormal oil production in the body. This is because your body cannot produce vitamin D.

5. Diet: Oily skin is most often associated with a diet high in fats and oils. 

6. Hormones: Some people tend to produce more oil on their skin when under emotional stress. Others may also tend to produce more oil when their menstrual cycle is about to begin or has just ended.

7. Skipping Moisturizer: Skipping a moisturizer can cause your skin to become dry and itchy. Oily skin will feel tight and look shiny on the surface.

Do's and Don'ts for Oily Skin


 • Use moisturizer/lotion on your face and neck as often as possible.
 • Wash off excess oil with a damp cloth or washcloth.
 • Use a facial scrub that is gentle.


 • Do not wash your face with a harsh cleanser.
 • Do not scrub your skin too hard.
 • Do not use boiling water to wash your face.
 • Avoid eating foods or using products high in animal fats, sugar, and caffeine.

What Products to Use?

 • Moisturizer
 • Facial Scrubs
 • Exfoliating Pads
 • Exfoliating Mitts
 • Toner

Is There Are Any Treatments?
Yes, some treatments can help oily skin. Antibacterial soap products like bar soaps, liquid soaps, and facial washes effectively reduce the amount of sebum produced by your sebaceous glands. 
Cleansers and toners that contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids can help reduce the amount of oil produced on your skin. Moisturizers containing ingredients like glycolic acid, lactic acid, or retinol will also help reduce the oil produced by your sebaceous glands. 

Contact Experts from Medical Aesthetic Center in New Jersey
If you have oily skin, the experts at a medical spa in New Jersey will help you with the best treatments for oily skin. We offer a variety of cosmetic procedures and treatments that will contour your face and reduce the amount of oil produced. Contact us today to get professional skincare in New Jersey. 

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